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Rabu, 13 April 2016

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable,
The governor of Kalimantan Timur,
 Mr. Drs. H. Awang Faroek Ishak, MM. M.Si.
How are you and your family sir? We hope that you will always healthy and may Allah SWT always bless you and your family. But before it let us introduce ourselves, we are students from SMAN 10 Samarinda and we are in the 11th grade. We are very grateful for the opportunity to write this open letter to the very honorable person which has led Kalimantan Timur to become advanced province. And we are very grateful for your scholarship program Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang, this program really helps us to achieve our dreams sir, just keep build KalTim to be much better sir.
Not long ago, we are surprised by family entertainment venue newly built in Balikpapan exactly in Daun Village Complex. Transmart Carrefour sir right there, there are shopping center and trans studio even this is the mini version. About the comments of the peoples around us there was positive until negative comments, some of them was agree, some of them was not. They were complain why not in Samarinda. We both are in the peoples who complain about that, why it was not in Samarinda sir?
And we’ve heard about a plan to build Trans Studio in this capital city of KalTim. We have been waiting for this sir, but it seems like there is no certainty about where and when the construction begin. Because in our opinion sir our city need a modern tourist attraction, When I ask my cousin or my friends which came from the other city to come to Samarinda they said “di Samarinda ada apa? Kebun raya? Waterpark? Pemancingan? Udah biasa, gak tertarik ah” when I heard that it was a little bit break my heart sir. We need something new to attract people from the other city even country to come to Samarinda.
Can you imagine sir if in Samarinda there’s a tourist attraction like Trans Studio? Or Samarinda want to make a theme park like Jatim Park that successfully attracting visitors from various cities in Indonesia to foreign countries. Why we do not make a similar thing like that like KalTim Park maybe sir? If East Kalimantan has the only place like it, certainly many benefits from it sir. Our citizens do not need anymore the way out of the island for a vacation.
We write this letter as well as to represent the people who wondered if this plan be implemented or not. Benua etam shortage of representative playground because the peoples of Kaltim really hungry for entertainment. That’s all, we hope this letter will become an afterthought in order to move forward. We apologize if there are words that are unpleasing.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Adevira Widiandari & Syifa Nur Aini

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

        In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures throughout the nation's history.
Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance (stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.
"Kebaya" is the national identity of Indonesian women . The national identity is not determined by the price, but it is determined according to the authenticity and culture of the nation. If kebaya used hereditary, then it can be an important aspect in preserving the culture of Indonesia and it also can explore our culture.

Woman that wear "kebaya" will look morel and feminime. However kebaya has many disadvantage, it is very restrict the movement of women. Bung Karno did not approve the use of clothes that are too confine and imprison the movement of women, so that they are not free and nimble. In fact, because women also participate in the national revolution, women must be seen free and deft. "They must have an independent spirit," said Bung Karno. The meaning of the word above is kebaya severely restricts the women's movement, as kebaya is very tight and make a woman difficult to move. But as time goes, the kebaya has been modified according to the development of globalization. So, kebaya that used to be open, tight, warm and itchy become kebaya that is very comfortable, not "jadul" and more fashionable.
According to Anne Avantie (a kebaya designer whose name is already well known by the national and international fashion community) kebaya should not be interpreted literally as a dress. However, it should be interpreted that kebaya is the identity and pride of Indonesian women.
So as the Indonesian people (especially women), we should be proud of  kebaya. The women in Indonesia should continue to conserve kebaya, even if they could have to explore our culture abroad. We do this so that our children and grandchildren can still see and use the kebaya.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Selasa, 30 September 2014

Hay teman-teman blogger... 
Hari ini saya ada jadwal UTS (ujian tengah semester), UTS kali ini dimulai dari kemaren tepatnya tanggal 29 september 2014 hari senin. Jadwal UTS besok adalah kimia dan kewirausahaan.
Sekian post saya untuk kali ini ya teman-teman blogger.. saya lagi gak ada ide untuk menulis blogger 
BYE... BYE... :D

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Hai All 
Pada kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan diri ...
Perkenalkan ...
Nama saya syifa nur aini, Anda bisa memanggil saya Syifa. Saya Berasal dari Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur (Samarinda) , Indonesia.

Kamis, 21 November 2013

                                                               How To Make Ameba Pigg

    Are you disappointed because pico is closed? Dont worry, we still can play same game like ameba pico but in different language. What game is it? Yes, it's ameba pigg. So, we can say "Good Bye Ameba Pico, and Welcome Ameba Pigg".

     First post in this blog is about how to create your pigg. It's a problem for many pigg users, because this game use japanese language. To create your new pigg account, you can try this step. Check this out!

Step by step :

1. Go to ameba pigg homepage. (
2. Click this button (see the image below or click the image directly)

3. Write your email like this image below. Then click the button (see the image cursor below)

4. Open your email
5. Check your inbox. You will see new email from ameba pigg. Click the URL like shown in picture below (see the cursor in the picture below)
 6. Fill your information

7. Fill the confirmation code
8. Done. Click button like shown in picture below 
(see the cursor in the picture below)
     Thank your for visiting and reading our articel. See you next time in other articel. 
